Thursday, October 24, 2013

presentation out the window! lol!

OK, well you know that I'm a neat freak.. and quite possibly related to Monica from friends.... well I'm over it!

I threw that plate firmly i the bin! gone, smashed to smithereens...

I do like it tidy and clean, but not immaculate anymore.... maybe I've grown... who knows...

I don't know if it was by coincidence, but after we smudged our house and cars and ourselves we have felt much better. The kids were really into the ceremony and they actually spontaneously said that they felt much better afterwards, like this angry feeling in different parts of the house and basement have gone! I never knew why they didn't like certain parts of the house... when we had pretty much finished the ceremony, they asked to go back to the basement and made me resmudge where a horrid house guest once stayed.... now they seem happier too...

I have to say I feel better as well, and since that day, I've been happy letting the housework go a bit more... in a nice way... like the laundry room was a tip.... but now I like hey-ho, it's all clean in there, so no worries.

The kids had a skating comp at the weekend, and my son and daughter were in hold, and anyway he took a huge fall for her, and he kept his head way up off the ice and well it was amazing really. I feel like our luck is changing... I didn't want to jinx it, but now for 2 weeks I'm like WOW!

The kids seem more content and Oatie has had way less nightmares?... coincidence?!?!

The house doesn't feel angry anymore when I walk in....

So I owe a huge thank to the my dear friends Phil and Sharon, who suggested we smudge our house.

And no, we're not doing anything really different at all as our weeks are fairly rigid with the kids activities etc... and we've had extra meetings after school and stuff but everyone seems to be taking life in their (excuse the pun) stride a bit more.

Oatie is doing amazingly in the CanSkate, I must get a photo for the blog.

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